What They’ve Said
I've had the pleasure of working with Tim on several TNF brand marketing activations. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Tim. Tim's the type of client you wish to have. He's not only strategic, creative, smart, and knowledgeable about the landscape; he's also an expert at successfully managing partners and is committed to ensuring that all teams are properly supported. From my experience, Tim achieves this through strong empathetic leadership, clear direction, realistic KPIs, open and honest channels of communication, and productive feedback. Tim's quick and nimble, and his ability to adapt is nothing short of remarkable.
— Katie Witkin
Co-Founder at AGW Group, LLC.
I have had the pleasure to work with Tim on and off since 2011. Most recently as his manager and he has always been someone that you can count on to create and run the best events and campaigns. Throughout our time together at The North Face he has recreated his role multiple times and worked independently at a very high level with multiple challenges. Through it all he has continued to create a premium and flawless experience when it comes to building community and running best-in-class events. Anyone would be lucky to have Tim and all of the experience and knowledge that comes with him.
— Peter Bornholdt
Global Senior Manager, Digital Marketing at The North Face
Tim has a unique ability to make things fun. There are a lot of people out there who can "organize" an event: doing the basics of getting supplies where they need to be, booking a venue, setting things up, taking things down and then a few people come mill around for a bit and wander off with no real brand impact. Everything Tim creates is fun, the x-factor that is the difference between "Okay, this company gave me a water bottle and now I'm going home" and "Wow, that was amazing. Are you guys doing this next year?" It's not something you can teach, and it's exponentially harder than cookie cutting an athlete signing session or a product launch showcase. To say Tim is passionate about that x-factor is a major understatement... his dedication to making things fun, memorable, and different as well as organized and cost effective is second to none and he takes it very seriously. Serious fun. That's Tim.
— Alex Stegall
Sr. Strategy Analyst - CX Marketing at Oracle
Working with Tim to build Mappy Hour's partnership with The North Face was a game changer for Mappy Hour and our growth as a platform. Over the course of two years (and a global pandemic), we were able to expand to new markets from New York City to Seattle, build new channels for distribution and invest in local, grassroots community building
— Sarah L. Knapp
Founder & Director at Mappy Hour